Client sector: Health Care - Adult LearningServices: Strategy, multimedia content design, illustration, animation. KloseCare/KloseMonitoring a healthcare technology company based in TN, wanted to produce one of the best-quality and most effective educational resources about Type 2 diabetes, its symptoms, and management pillars available to patients, providers and Diabetes Educators in the US market.
The challenge
To develop a series of high-quality and user-centered audiovisual resources about Type 2 diabetes.The series supports patients, their families, in learning and retaining the essential concepts and 'strategies to cope' needed to adapt their behaviors, make significant lifestyle changes —and ultimately to manage the disease and reduce the impact of diabetes in their daily lives.
Color Palette


Brand system
We developed a brand system for Type 2 Diabetes series based on the principles of simplicity, empathy, accuracy, and usability. Simplicity. The narrative is simple, relaxing, conversational, and easy to replicate. Empathy. The series takes into account the patient’s experience, feelings, and struggles— never underestimating the psychological aspects of the disease. Accuracy. The tone of voice is conversational, yet accurate. The narrative utilizes medical terms and doesn't shy away from introducing complex concepts/processes. Usability. The content is practical, allowing viewers to reflect on how to implement this new knowledge in their daily routines.
Illustration Style

Video Animation